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风场v1.0(平面版,只有U V 方向风速)






风场v1.0结合风速热力图效果(风速只有计算U V 方向)







气象数据之风向数据json格式解析 - 莫小龙 - 博客园

气象数据之风向数据展示原理 - 莫小龙 - 博客园


其实那个我也没用他的,我只用了东西方向 V 的风速数据 、南北方向 U 的风速数据,垂直方向W 的风速数据 (一般你们不要求高度也不用这个数据,现在网上还没看到用垂直风速的),网格数(宽度+长度),网格的四至范围 ,这些就够了。

其中U 和 V 以及W 的数据是数组格式的,单位是m/s,数据长度是 网格数宽*高。



比如说上面风速有2256条数据,就是cols * rows 的数,代表每个47*48个网格里面的风速,分东西和南北的。

max和min就是这个方向上 数组里最大最小值,不是必须的,我是因为业务需要




造好了上述的json数据后,还需要做一步事就是计算水平面上南北和东西方向结合的矢量数据,算向量模长 u*u + v*v 开根号,就是朝这个方向的风速,用来计算下一步风的经纬度的。这个没啥说的吧就是算向量。


是47*48条,然后每条数据是**【u,v,w, Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v)】,没有高度的就没有w**




其中 age 表述粒子的生命周期,






所以高程点只能通过水平距离去算移动的时间,然后再 乘 垂直方向的风速 m/s (这是我所理解的算法,或许有大佬可以直接算三维向量的模长,算三维方向的风速那也是可以的,但是我就不麻烦了,我分开,水平是水平的,垂直另算)


用canvas去做比cesium 的 primitive 效率会高上很多,我也是用canvas去做的。这里用到的是循环去 实现 canvas的画线以及浏览器的刷新机制 requestAnimationFrame 。

好了,到此就全部完成了。(具体的源码我就不放了,因为我也是站在别人的肩膀去完善的,网上也能找到源码,csdn上就有, 大家的源码都是这样的,我的被我改的乱七八糟的,给了也只会误导你们,如果你看了网上还不太明白的,那你联系我,有空我给你解答哈)

最后在插一嘴实现高度的方法,因为网上我没找到有实现高度的,用的都是canvas 2d 的方式,我最后实现了,但其实也是2d方法的,不过我觉得结合three.js去实现 应该可以完美复现三维风场垂直风速的那种效果。



高度计算方法:首先撒完点后,拿到经纬度和下一步的经纬度后,算当前点的贴地高程,算当前点和下一个点的空间距离,计算出距离,比上速度,算出移动的时间,在根据时间 * 当前网格的垂直风速,就是这个点移动到下一个位置所移动的高度,最后再加上当前点的贴地高程即是下个点的高程数据。








/** * @Description:风场 * @author MrKuang * @date 2023/1/13 0013 */ export default class CanvasWindy {    constructor(json, params) {        this._windData = json;        this._viewer = params.viewer;        this._canvas = params.canvas;        //可配置的参数        this._canvasContext = params.canvas.getContext('2d')// canvas上下文        this._canvasWidth = params.canvasWidth;//画布宽度        this._canvasHeight = params.canvasHeight;//画布高度        this._speedRate = params.speedRate || 50;        this._particlesNumber = params.particlesNumber || 5000;//粒子数        this._maxAge = params.maxAge || 120; //粒子生命周期        this._frameTime = 1000/(params.frameRate || 10) ;// 每秒刷新次数        this._color = params.color || '#ffffff';        this._lineWidth = params.lineWidth || 1// 线宽度        // 内置参数        this._grid = [];        this._initExtent = []// 风场初始范围        this._calc_speedRate = [0, 0]// 根据speedRate参数计算经纬度步进长度        this._windField = null        this._particles = []        this._animateFrame = null// requestAnimationFrame事件句柄,用来清除操作        this.isdistory = false// 是否销毁,进行删除操作        this._init();    }      _init() {        //创建棋盘格子        this._createWindField();        this._calcStep();        // 创建风场粒子        for (var i = 0; i < this._particlesNumber; i++) {            this._particles.push(this._randomParticle(new CanvasParticle()));        }        this._canvasContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.97)'        this._canvasContext.globalAlpha = 0.6        this._animate();         var then =;        let that = this;        (function frame() {            if (!that.isdistory) {                that._animateFrame = requestAnimationFrame(frame)                var now =;                var delta = now - then;                if (delta> that._frameTime) {                    then = now - delta % that._frameTime;                    that._animate()                }            } else {                that.removeLines()            }        })()    }      _animate() {        var nextLng = null        var nextLat = null        var uv = null         this._graphicData = [];        this._particles.forEach( (particle) => {            if (particle.age <= 0) {                 this._randomParticle(particle);            }            if (particle.age > 0) {                var tlng = particle.tlng                var tlat = particle.tlat                let height = particle.theight;                var gridpos = this._togrid(tlng, tlat)                var tx = gridpos[0]                var ty = gridpos[1]                if (!this._isInExtent(tlng, tlat)) {                    particle.age = 0                } else {                    uv = this._getIn(tx, ty)                    nextLng = tlng + this.calc_speedRate[0] * uv[0]                    nextLat = tlat + this.calc_speedRate[1] * uv[1]                    particle.lng = tlng           = tlat                    particle.x = tx                    particle.y = ty                    particle.tlng = nextLng                    particle.tlat = nextLat                    particle.age--                }            }        })        if (this._particles.length <= 0) this.removeLines()         this._drawLines()    }    _drawLines() {        var particles = this._particles        this._canvasContext.lineWidth = this._lineWidth        // 后绘制的图形和前绘制的图形如果发生遮挡的话,只显示后绘制的图形跟前一个绘制的图形重合的前绘制的图形部分,示例:        this._canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in'        this._canvasContext.fillRect(0, 0, this._canvasWidth, this._canvasHeight)        this._canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'// 重叠部分的颜色会被重新计算        this._canvasContext.globalAlpha = 0.9        this._canvasContext.beginPath()        this._canvasContext.strokeStyle = this._color        particles.forEach((particle) => {            var movetopos = this._tomap(particle.lng,, particle)            var linetopos = this._tomap(particle.tlng, particle.tlat, particle)            if (movetopos != null && linetopos != null) {                this._canvasContext.moveTo(movetopos[0], movetopos[1])                this._canvasContext.lineTo(linetopos[0], linetopos[1])            }        })        this._canvasContext.stroke()    }     // 根据粒子当前所处的位置(棋盘网格位置),计算经纬度,在根据经纬度返回屏幕坐标    _tomap(lng, lat, particle) {        if (!lng || !lat) {            return null        }        var ct3 = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lng, lat, 0)        // 判断当前点是否在地球可见端        var isVisible = new Cesium.EllipsoidalOccluder(Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84,        var pos = Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates(this._viewer.scene, ct3)        if (!isVisible) {            particle.age = 0        }        return pos ? [pos.x, pos.y] : null    }     // 粒子是否在地图范围内    _isInExtent(lng, lat) {        if ((lng >= this._windData.xmin && lng <= this._windData.xmax) && (lat >= this._windData.ymin && lat <= this._windData.ymax)) return true        return false    }     //创建棋盘格子    _createWindField() {        var k = 0        var rows = null        var uv = null        for (var j = 0; j < this._windData.rows; j++) {            rows = []            for (var i = 0; i < this._windData.cols; i++, k++) {                uv = this._calcUV(this._windData.udata[k], this._windData.vdata[k])                rows.push(uv)            }            this._grid.push(rows)        }        console.log(this._grid)     }     //计算风场向量    _calcUV(u, v) {        return [+u, +v, Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v)]    }     // 计算经纬度步进长度    _calcStep() {        var calcSpeed = this._speedRate;        this.calc_speedRate = [(this._windData.xmax - this._windData.xmin) / calcSpeed, (this._windData.ymax - this._windData.ymin) / calcSpeed]    }     //根据风场范围随机生成粒子    _randomParticle(particle) {            let safe = 30;            let x = -1;            let y = -1;            let lng = null;            let lat = null;            do {                try {                    lng = this._fRandomByfloat(this._windData.xmin, this._windData.xmax)                    lat = this._fRandomByfloat(this._windData.ymin, this._windData.ymax)                } catch (e) {                    // console.log(e)                }                if (lng) {                    //找到随机生成的粒子的经纬度在棋盘的位置 x y                    var gridpos = this._togrid(lng, lat);                    x = gridpos[0];                    y = gridpos[1];                }            } while (this._getIn(x, y)[2] <= 0 && safe++ < 30)            let uv = this._getIn(x, y);            var nextLng = lng + this.calc_speedRate[0] * uv[0]            var nextLat = lat + this.calc_speedRate[1] * uv[1]            particle.lng = lng   = lat        particle.x = x        particle.y = y        particle.tlng = nextLng        particle.tlat = nextLat        particle.speed = uv[2]        particle.age = Math.round(Math.random() * this._maxAge)// 每一次生成都不一样        return particle;    }    _getIn(x, y) {        //  局部风场使用        if (x < 0 || x >= this._windData.cols || y >= this._windData.rows || y <= 0) {            return [0, 0, 0]        }        var x0 = Math.floor(x)//向下取整        var y0 = Math.floor(y)        var x1;        var y1        if (x0 === x && y0 === y) return this._grid[y][x]         x1 = x0 + 1        y1 = y0 + 1         var g00 = this._getIn(x0, y0)        var g10 = this._getIn(x1, y0)        var g01 = this._getIn(x0, y1)        var g11 = this._getIn(x1, y1)        var result = null        // console.log(x - x0, y - y0, g00, g10, g01, g11)        try {            result = this._bilinearInterpolation(x - x0, y - y0, g00, g10, g01, g11)            // console.log(result)        } catch (e) {            console.log(x, y)        }        return result    }     // 二分差值算法计算给定节点的速度    _bilinearInterpolation(x, y, g00, g10, g01, g11) {        var rx = (1 - x)        var ry = (1 - y)        var a = rx * ry;        var b = x * ry;        var c = rx * y;        var d = x * y        var u = g00[0] * a + g10[0] * b + g01[0] * c + g11[0] * d        var v = g00[1] * a + g10[1] * b + g01[1] * c + g11[1] * d        return this._calcUV(u, v)    }     // 随机数生成器(小数)    _fRandomByfloat(under, over) {        return under + Math.random() * (over - under)    }     // 根据经纬度,算出棋盘格位置    _togrid(lng, lat) {        var x = (lng - this._windData.xmin) / (this._windData.xmax - this._windData.xmin) * (this._windData.cols - 1)        var y = (this._windData.ymax - lat) / (this._windData.ymax - this._windData.ymin) * (this._windData.rows - 1)        return [x, y]    }     _resize(width, height) {        this.canvasWidth = width        this.canvasHeight = height    }     removeLines() {        window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animateFrame)        this.isdistory = true        this._canvas.width = 1        document.getElementById('box').removeChild(this._canvas)    }} function CanvasParticle() {    this.lng = null// 粒子初始经度 = null// 粒子初始纬度    this.x = null// 粒子初始x位置(相对于棋盘网格,比如x方向有360个格,x取值就是0-360,这个是初始化时随机生成的)    this.y = null// 粒子初始y位置(同上)    this.tlng = null// 粒子下一步将要移动的经度,这个需要计算得来    this.tlat = null// 粒子下一步将要移动的y纬度,这个需要计算得来    this.age = null// 粒子生命周期计时器,每次-1    this.speed = null// 粒子移动速度,可以根据速度渲染不同颜色}


/** * @Description:风场 * @author MrKuang * @date 2023/1/13 0013 */ export default class CanvasWindy {    constructor(json, params) {        this._windData = json;        this._viewer = params.viewer;        this._canvas = params.canvas;        //可配置的参数        this._canvasContext = params.canvas.getContext('2d')// canvas上下文        this._canvasWidth = params.canvasWidth;//画布宽度        this._canvasHeight = params.canvasHeight;//画布高度        this._speedRate = params.speedRate || 50;        this._particlesNumber = params.particlesNumber || 5000;//粒子数        this._maxAge = params.maxAge || 120; //粒子生命周期        this._frameTime = 1000/(params.frameRate || 10) ;// 每秒刷新次数        this._color = params.color || '#ffffff';        this._lineWidth = params.lineWidth || 1// 线宽度        // 内置参数        this._grid = [];        this._initExtent = []// 风场初始范围        this._calc_speedRate = [0, 0]// 根据speedRate参数计算经纬度步进长度        this._windField = null        this._particles = []        this._animateFrame = null// requestAnimationFrame事件句柄,用来清除操作        this.isdistory = false// 是否销毁,进行删除操作        this._zspeed = 0;        this._init();    }     _init() {        //创建棋盘格子        this._createWindField();        this._calcStep();        // 创建风场粒子        for (var i = 0; i < this._particlesNumber; i++) {            this._particles.push(this._randomParticle(new CanvasParticle()));        }        this._canvasContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.97)'        this._canvasContext.globalAlpha = 0.6        this._animate();         var then =;        let that = this;        (function frame() {            if (!that.isdistory) {                that._animateFrame = requestAnimationFrame(frame)                var now =;                var delta = now - then;                if (delta> that._frameTime) {                    then = now - delta % that._frameTime;                    that._animate()                }            } else {                that.removeLines()            }        })()    }     _animate() {        var nextLng = null        var nextLat = null        var uvw = null;        this._graphicData = [];        this._particles.forEach((particle) => {            if (particle.age <= 0) {                this._randomParticle(particle);            }            if (particle.age > 0) {                var tlng = particle.tlng                var tlat = particle.tlat                let height = particle.theight;                var gridpos = this._togrid(tlng, tlat)                var tx = gridpos[0]                var ty = gridpos[1]                if (!this._isInExtent(tlng, tlat)) {                    particle.age = 0                } else {                    uvw = this._getIn(tx, ty)                    nextLng = tlng + this._calc_speedRate[0] * uvw[0]                    nextLat = tlat + this._calc_speedRate[1] * uvw[1]                    particle.lng = tlng           = tlat                    particle.x = tx                    particle.y = ty                    particle.tlng = nextLng                    particle.tlat = nextLat                    particle.height = height;                    //计算空间距离                    let d = mars3d.MeasureUtil.getDistance([new mars3d.LngLatPoint(particle.lng,, 0), new mars3d.LngLatPoint(particle.tlng, particle.tlat, 0)])                    let t = d / uvw[3];                    particle.theight = particle.height + t * uvw[2];                    particle.age--                }            }        })        if (this._particles.length <= 0) this.removeLines()         this._drawLines()    }     _drawLines() {        var particles = this._particles        this._canvasContext.lineWidth = this._lineWidth        // 后绘制的图形和前绘制的图形如果发生遮挡的话,只显示后绘制的图形跟前一个绘制的图形重合的前绘制的图形部分,示例:        this._canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-in'        this._canvasContext.fillRect(0, 0, this._canvasWidth, this._canvasHeight)        this._canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'// 重叠部分的颜色会被重新计算        this._canvasContext.globalAlpha = 0.9        this._canvasContext.beginPath()        this._canvasContext.strokeStyle = this._color        particles.forEach((particle) => {            var movetopos = this._tomap(particle.lng,, particle)            var linetopos = this._tomap1(particle.tlng, particle.tlat, particle)            if (movetopos != null && linetopos != null) {                this._canvasContext.moveTo(movetopos[0], movetopos[1])                this._canvasContext.lineTo(linetopos[0], linetopos[1])            }        })        this._canvasContext.stroke()    }     // 根据粒子当前所处的位置(棋盘网格位置),计算经纬度,在根据经纬度返回屏幕坐标    _tomap(lng, lat, particle) {        if (!lng || !lat) {            return null        }        var ct3 = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lng, lat, particle.height)        // 判断当前点是否在地球可见端        var isVisible = new Cesium.EllipsoidalOccluder(Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84,        var pos = Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates(this._viewer.scene, ct3)        if (!isVisible) {            particle.age = 0        }        return pos ? [pos.x, pos.y] : null    }     _tomap1(lng, lat, particle) {        if (!lng || !lat) {            return null        }        var ct3 = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lng, lat, particle.theight)        // 判断当前点是否在地球可见端        var isVisible = new Cesium.EllipsoidalOccluder(Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84,        var pos = Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates(this._viewer.scene, ct3)        if (!isVisible) {            particle.age = 0        }        return pos ? [pos.x, pos.y] : null    }     // 粒子是否在地图范围内    _isInExtent(lng, lat) {        if ((lng >= this._windData.xmin && lng <= this._windData.xmax) && (lat >= this._windData.ymin && lat <= this._windData.ymax)) return true        return false    }     //创建棋盘格子    _createWindField() {        var k = 0        var rows = null        var uvw = null        for (var j = 0; j < this._windData.rows; j++) {            rows = []            for (var i = 0; i < this._windData.cols; i++, k++) {                uvw = this._calcUVW(this._windData.udata[k], this._windData.vdata[k], this._windData.wdata[k])                rows.push(uvw)            }            this._grid.push(rows)        }        console.log(this._grid)     }     //计算风场向量    _calcUVW(u, v, w) {        return [+u, +v, +w, Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v)]    }     // 计算经纬度步进长度    _calcStep() {        var calcSpeed = this._speedRate;        this._calc_speedRate = [(this._windData.xmax - this._windData.xmin) / calcSpeed, (this._windData.ymax - this._windData.ymin) / calcSpeed]    }     //根据风场范围随机生成粒子    _randomParticle(particle) {        let safe = 30;        let x = -1;        let y = -1;        let lng = null;        let lat = null;        do {            try {                lng = this._fRandomByfloat(this._windData.xmin, this._windData.xmax)                lat = this._fRandomByfloat(this._windData.ymin, this._windData.ymax)            } catch (e) {                // console.log(e)            }            if (lng) {                //找到随机生成的粒子的经纬度在棋盘的位置 x y                var gridpos = this._togrid(lng, lat);                x = gridpos[0];                y = gridpos[1];            }        } while (this._getIn(x, y)[2] <= 0 && safe++ < 30)        let uvw = this._getIn(x, y);        var nextLng = lng + this._calc_speedRate[0] * uvw[0]        var nextLat = lat + this._calc_speedRate[1] * uvw[1]        particle.lng = lng = lat        //计算随机点的高程        particle.height = mars3d.PointUtil.getHeight(this._viewer.scene, new mars3d.LngLatPoint(particle.lng,, 0));        particle.x = x        particle.y = y        particle.tlng = nextLng        particle.tlat = nextLat        particle.speed = uvw[3]        particle.age = Math.round(Math.random() * this._maxAge)// 每一次生成都不一样        //计算空间距离        let d = mars3d.MeasureUtil.getDistance([new mars3d.LngLatPoint(particle.lng,, 0), new mars3d.LngLatPoint(particle.tlng, particle.tlat, 0)])        let t = d / uvw[3];        // console.log("距离"+d)        // console.log("时间"+t)        // console.log("速度"+particle.speed)        particle.theight = particle.height + t * uvw[2];        // console.log("垂直风速"+uvw[2])        // console.log("一开始垂直高度"+particle.height)        // console.log("垂直高度"+particle.theight)        return particle;    }     _getIn(x, y) {        //  局部风场使用        if (x < 0 || x >= this._windData.cols || y >= this._windData.rows || y <= 0) {            return [0, 0, 0]        }        var x0 = Math.floor(x)//向下取整        var y0 = Math.floor(y)        var x1;        var y1        if (x0 === x && y0 === y) return this._grid[y][x]         x1 = x0 + 1        y1 = y0 + 1         var g00 = this._getIn(x0, y0)        var g10 = this._getIn(x1, y0)        var g01 = this._getIn(x0, y1)        var g11 = this._getIn(x1, y1)        var result = null        // console.log(x - x0, y - y0, g00, g10, g01, g11)        try {            result = this._bilinearInterpolation(x - x0, y - y0, g00, g10, g01, g11)            // console.log(result)        } catch (e) {            console.log(x, y)        }        return result    }     // 根据现有参数重新生成风场    redraw() {        window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animateFrame)        this._particles = [];        this._grid = [];        this._init()    }     // 二分差值算法计算给定节点的速度    _bilinearInterpolation(x, y, g00, g10, g01, g11) {        var rx = (1 - x)        var ry = (1 - y)        var a = rx * ry;        var b = x * ry;        var c = rx * y;        var d = x * y        var u = g00[0] * a + g10[0] * b + g01[0] * c + g11[0] * d        var v = g00[1] * a + g10[1] * b + g01[1] * c + g11[1] * d        var w = g00[2] * a + g10[2] * b + g01[2] * c + g11[2] * d        return this._calcUVW(u, v, w)    }     // 随机数生成器(小数)    _fRandomByfloat(under, over) {        return under + Math.random() * (over - under)    }     // 根据经纬度,算出棋盘格位置    _togrid(lng, lat) {        var x = (lng - this._windData.xmin) / (this._windData.xmax - this._windData.xmin) * (this._windData.cols - 1)        var y = (this._windData.ymax - lat) / (this._windData.ymax - this._windData.ymin) * (this._windData.rows - 1)        return [x, y]    }     _resize(width, height) {        this.canvasWidth = width        this.canvasHeight = height    }     removeLines() {        window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animateFrame)        this.isdistory = true        this._canvas.width = 1        document.getElementById('box').removeChild(this._canvas)    }} function CanvasParticle() {    this.lng = null// 粒子初始经度 = null// 粒子初始纬度    this.x = null// 粒子初始x位置(相对于棋盘网格,比如x方向有360个格,x取值就是0-360,这个是初始化时随机生成的)    this.y = null// 粒子初始y位置(同上)    this.tlng = null// 粒子下一步将要移动的经度,这个需要计算得来    this.tlat = null// 粒子下一步将要移动的y纬度,这个需要计算得来    this.age = null// 粒子生命周期计时器,每次-1    this.speed = null// 粒子移动速度,可以根据速度渲染不同颜色}






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